Your eyes are one of the most fascinating and developed organs in your entire body. It takes half of your brain to control and process your vision and 80% of your memories are a result of what you have seen using them. We’ve put together some of our favourite fun facts about your eyes. [toc]
1. You can get sunburn on your eyes:

You wouldn’t spend large and frequents amount of time outside in sunny conditions without wearing any sunscreen, so why would you not protect your eyes in the same conditions?
Just like your skin, it is possible to get burned corneas and whites of your eye. If your eyes get burned, you won’t just be in pain—you’ll probably be extra-sensitive to light, too.It’s important to invest in a quality pair of sunglasses that protect your vision from UVB and UVA rays.
The proper condition for sunburn on your eyes is called photokeratitis.
2. Heterochromia:
Heterochromia literally means different (hetero) colours (chromia), and is used to describe the condition where a person is born with two different coloured eyes. Heterochromia is usually not an eye disease and does not affect vision and eyesight.
A number of celebrities have heterochromia including Kate Bosworth, Josh Henderson, Max Scherzer and Mila Kunis. The condition also occurs commonly in animals, especially breeds of dogs such as the Siberian Husky, the Border Collie and the Chihuahua.
3. Your Eyes See The World Upside Down

It’s true. The process of refraction through a convex lens causes images we see to be flipped, so when the image hits your retina, it’s completely inverted. Our eyes are so developed that our brain flips the image for us.
That’s not the only clever trick your brain has up its sleeve. The image that hits each of your retinas is flat and 2D. Your brain has to overlay these two images to form one seamless 3D image in your mind—giving you depth perception.
If you want to see the world as your retinas do, try a pair of prism glasses.
4. All humans originally had brown eyes:

All blue-eyed people share the same ancestor. Blue eyes appeared as a mutation about 6,000 – 10,000 years ago.
5. Human Eyes Heal Quickly And Protect Themselves

Your eyes have the ability to heal scratches in as little time as 48 hours. They also filter out dust and dirt with the help of your eyelashes.
Everything surrounding your eye is built to protect it too. Your eyes are set in a hollow socket so your eyebrows may deflect debris and shield our eyes from the Sun. Eyebrows also protect your eyesight from rain and sweat and help us communicate via facial expressions.
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